Territorial-based open-innovation system

13 geographical sites in Occitania to meet the ambitions of the 7 Open Labs

Located in the territories of Occitanie, 13 geographical sites are experimenting in real scale the 7 themes of the Open Labs, in connection with the "CORE", the resource and development centre. In the future, these open innovation sites will be multiplied throughout the region.

13 geographical sites in Occitanie to meet the ambitions of the 7 Open Labs 

Les 12 sites géographiques des 7 Open Labs d'Occitanum en Région Occitanie

Build LOCAL SUPPLY CHAIN based on sustainable logistics

  • Montpellier and surroundings (34) 
  • Toulouse and surroundings (31)

Help APICULTURE while promoting biodiversity and agroecology

  • South-East Toulousain (SICOVAL) (31) 
picto arboriculture-carte-s

Improve ARBORICULTURE production with greater moderation (in input terms) and diversity sources of income

  • Gard-Hérault (34+30)
  • Tarn and Garonne (82)

Enhance animal welfare and enhance the value of grass-fed LIVESTOCK systems

  • Nord-Occitanie Aveyron (12)
  • Nord-Occitanie Lot (46)
  • Ariège (09)

Support FIELD CROP conversion to agroecology and diversify sources of income

  • Gascogne (32)
  • Lauragais (31) 

Deploy « Low tech High tech » solutions for production systems in HORTICULTURE

  • Haute-Garonne (31) 

Prepare VITICULTURE to address climate and environmental challenges

  • West Montpellier (34)
  • Gaillacois (81)